Much like other boat parts, your boat's gelcoat needs regular maintenance. The gelcoat is a protective coating that starts off smooth, but gets more porous over time. This makes it easier for the exterior to get stained and makes it harder to remove the stains. A blend of preventive and proactive maintenance is your best strategy against this. 

Keep reading for boat gelcoat maintenance tips. If you have questions or want to shop boats for sale, contact The Harbor (Boat & Yacht Sales). Our dealership is based in Branson, Missouri, and we also serve those in Springfield and Kansas City.

Preventative Maintenance For The Gelcoat

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Preventative maintenance will help keep issues from creeping up and will reduce the maintenance work you'll need to do down the road.

1. Regularly Wash The Boat

This helps remove gunk and grime before it can sit long enough to damage the gelcoat and start leaving stains. Use a gentle boat soap for this! Otherwise, harsh cleaning products can harm the gelcoat and/or strip away the wax or polish.

2. Regularly Wax Or Polish The Boat

Once you've finished washing, it's wise to take the extra minute to wax or polish the boat. This will help seal and protect the boat gelcoat, keeping it in great condition for longer.

Removing Stains From The Boat Gelcoat

Despite your best efforts, stains may eventually begin to pop up on the boat gelcoat. It's best to address these as soon as possible. The longer they sit, the harder they will be to remove.

1. Identify The Type Of Stain

There are two common stains found on the boat gelcoat.

  • Mineral stains: Caused by sources such as rust and water lines.
  • Organic stains: Caused by sources such as bird droppings and spilled drinks.

It's important to get the cleaning product tailored to the stain type. Aim for the least abrasive option that still gets the job done. This minimizes how much of the gelcoat the cleaning product will remove. If you are using a heavy duty stain remover, use rubber gloves and eye protection during the cleaning process.

2. Clean The Stained Area First

Start by cleaning the stained area. Some stains may vanish during this stage, saving you the extra hassle of using the stain remover. If the stain remains, a cleaned surface will make it easier for the stain remover to be effectively applied.

3. Apply The Stain Remover

Next, follow the product's instructions and apply the stain remover. You may need to leave the product on for a certain number of minutes or may not need to wipe the product off.

4. Restore The Boat Gelcoat's Shine

The cleaner and stain remover likely stripped away some of the surface's wax or polish. Take a minute to apply a protective coat of wax or polish to the boat gelcoat.

Looking to get a boat of your own? Shop the boats for sale at The Harbor (Boat & Yacht Sales). We carry a range of options and can help you find the best fit for your family. Reach out today or stop by our dealership in Branson, Missouri. We also serve those in Springfield and Kansas City, Missouri.