Boating accessories can help to create a safer, more enjoyable, and more convenient overall experience. If you’d like to know more about some of the great accessories you can purchase for your boat, check out this guide from the experts at The Harbor. 

Extra Rope

A length of rope can be used to lash down objects, drop anchor, or tie down your boat so that it doesn’t drift away. It’s endlessly useful, so keeping a spare coil or two around certainly can’t hurt!


While there are many different types of anchors to choose from, the most important thing is that the anchor is able to perform its job, which is to keep your vessel in one place. Anchors are very useful for fishing, swimming, and other situations where you want your boat to stay in one place for a while. They are also useful in emergency situations since it is much easier for emergency services to find a craft if its position isn’t changing. 

First-Aid Kit

Whether you purchase a pre-packaged first aid kit or create your own by buying supplies, having something that can be used to treat injuries can be very useful, and potentially life-saving. Don’t forget that certain types of medical supplies have an expiration date, so perform a yearly check to restock and replace anything that’s gone bad. 


While most people own cell phones these days, a radio is still a great backup for when you need to get in contact with others. Bear in mind that some waterways have poor or nonexistent cell phone service, making a radio all the more necessary. 

Repair Kit

A basic toolkit can help you out of a tight spot. It should include things like a wrench for loosening bolts, a jumper pack and cables for dead batteries, a flashlight to see into dark space, electrical tape to mend wires and other basics. Be sure that you know how to use these tools as well!

For more on boat accessories or to shop our inventory of boats for sale, visit The Harbor in Branson, Missouri. We’re proud to serve communities like Springfield and Kansas City, Missouri. We also offer boat parts, servicing, and financing, so come visit us soon!